Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mom's 92nd Birthday Party

Sister Mary Ila and brothers Mark, Larry, Rob, and Joe got together with spouses to celebrate Mom's 92nd birthday.  A pretty big deal!

Note:  Click the clip to view the embedded video on Google photos.  Individual pictures have also been uploaded and can be viewed or downloaded from:

Thursday, January 1, 2015

John Bernhardt Interview - Part 1

Mary Ila interviewed Dad a couple of years ago.  Thought it might be fun to put the interview together with some of his photos.  Bob Klauer assembled some history documents and I "borrowed" some of his pictures that kind of match Dad's narrative.  Otherwise, the photos a mainly from Dad's 35mm slides that have been converted to digital.  I started adding captions but found it was taking a lot of time so decided to publish and maybe at some point go back and identify some of the players.

Hope you enjoy it!  And feel free to comment, especially if you recognize some of the people.